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WORLD'S HOTTEST LOLLIPOP CHALLENGE! (TOE OF SATAN) | People Vs. Food is the fifty-ninth episode of the REACT series People vs. Food. In this episode the Adults are challenged to keep the Toe of Satan in their mouth for 5 minutes. The Toe of Satan is a lollipop measuring over 9 million units on the Scoville scale.


Picture Name Order of appearance
Ary17 Ary 3rd
Brandon17 Brandon 7th
Dionte17 Dionte 8th
Emily17 Emily 4th
Lotte17 Lotte 5th
Magaly17 Magaly 6th
SergioAdult17 Sergio 2nd
TylerAdult17 Tyler 1st


Name Time
Ary 5:00
Brandon 5:00
Dionte 1:36
Emily 1:24
Magaly 4:18
Lotte 5:00
Sergio 5:00
Tyler 3:44

Do You Recommend It?[]

Yes No
4 4
Name Yes/No
Ary No
Brandon Yes
Dionte No
Emily Yes
Magaly Yes
Lotte No
Sergio No
Tyler Yes



  • Before the video starts, Tom does a promo for the debut of Challenge Chalice, which was released the following day.
  • This is the first episode of Emily on People vs. Food
  • This is the first episode of Tyler on the REACT Channel and on People vs. Food
  • Both Sergio and Magaly were in the previous episode with a spicy subject, the Carolina Reaper challenge. Sergio was also, along with Lotte, in the first episode with spicy food, the Hot Wings Challenge.